Kate and her friend, Colleen.
Kate's friend, Isa, was also leaving that day, so we threw a little goodbye party for the two of them at the end of the day.
While Isa's mother, Clarissa, made the kids a very healthy and tasty, lowfat yogurt and berries popsicle snack...
Kate and I made the kids a very unhealthy cupcakes "snack."
Frosting got all over the kids' fingers and faces.
Fortunately, all the kids ate the healthy snack, too.
Kate's friends, Truman and Dylan Z.
We bought Kate and Isa goodbye cards for the kids to "sign"/vandalize.
Kate giving Ms. Candice the goodbye present Isa's mother and I got for her.
...and this is Kate six months later, in July, older and full of confidence.
Kate with her very first crush, Dylan Polanko. She would never refer to him by just his first name. He was always, "Dylanpolanko."
For a while there, he was all Kate could talk about. Not only did he do weirdo-goofy things to make her laugh out loud, but he was highly verbal, like Kate, and noticed everything. Funny, chatty and observant, a boy after Kate's heart -- he was just like her Appa! Many, many times Chris, Kate, and I would be going somewhere, or eating dinner, and completely out of the blue she'd say, "I love Dylanpolanko. He's so funny."
The crush ended a few months ago (fizzled by Dylanpolanko being "rude" to her one too many times). But then just recently, while we were shopping for a big girl bed for Kate, she climbed onto a bunk bed set and asked if we could get it for her. "So Dylanpolanko can sleep on the bottom bunk bed." Chris said, "Uh -- no."
Isa and Kate.
The lovely ladies on sprinkler day. Isa, Kate, Ava, and Sylvia.
Kate and her classmates "sun bathing."
Over the past nine months, Kate has matured tremendously. She learned a lot in the socialization department and even developed a thicker skin. When she first started, she would be devastated when someone was "rude" or rejected her, but now when it happens, she just shrugs and walks away.
I'm sure Kate will do wonderfully in her new school.
1 comment:
My son will be starting Happy Sunshine Kids on Monday, and I was wondering if you could give me any info on your experience there. Also if you would mind telling me the reason for moving your daughter to a new school. I would really appreciate that. Thank you so much.
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