Kate finished her first session of swim classes today and received a Certificate and a piece of sour-apple licorice from the instructors. She was equally thrilled about the Certificate as she was about the candy ("Is that for
She was so excited that she sang VERY LOUDLY (a Korean song, the "Green Sea") all the way to the car, while pretending to read the Certificate.

Since Kate learned about Safety today, she and Dad practiced calling 9-1-1 in an emergency. Kate pretended to call the "Police Officer," telling him to
"come right away" because "my Dad ate too much soap and feels sick!"
After dinner we went to the Farmer's Market where Kate rode a pony and got to do her favorite thing in the world -- JUMP. She had a rip roarin' good time until the teenage kid barked, "TIME'S UP!" and freaked her out.
1 comment:
I need a videotape of her singing the Green Korean song, please. The pictures are perfect, though, makes me feel like I can almost hear her now. Have I praised your brilliance today yet?
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