Tuesday, November 17, 2009

When You're Smilin'

Lily has started to smile. At first we thought it was gas, but lately she's been smiling more regularly when we speak to her -- in a VERY ANIMATED VOICE -- or when she slumbers, as in the photo above. I think she's having a lovely dream about being back in utero.
And as you can see, her hair has grown like grass! Hee hee. Kate got this dress from her buddy, Lucy, and couldn't wait to put it on.
This photo pretty much sums up our household these days.
Last weekend, we went to the park for some fresh (?) air and exercise.
Now that Kate is 4.5 years old, she's a much more willing model.
Lily, on the other hand, could care less about putting on a good face.
Lily started crying, so Kate jammed her finger in Lily's mouth to soothe her. This made her cry harder.
When Kate gets bored with being a model, this is her go-to face.
As is this.
And this.
And sometimes this. Not that I can complain since I did the same thing to my parents when I was little.
And still do to Chris sometimes.
Snack time for Lily and Kate.
I've been calling Lily my "owl baby" because she was nocturnal for the first few weeks (and in utero), and because I think she looks like Percy in "Owl Babies," one of Kate's favorite books:
Afterwards, Kate wanted to play soccer. Kate has always been very coordinated and fast on her feet. We've since bought an actual soccer ball and she loves kicking it around.
Believe it or not, Mom was a big soccer player in junior and senior high, having been a first-string forward. Sure, we lost every single game, but my friends and I had a blast.
I love my girls.


andreaberg said...

I love my Annie and her girls too!

And first string??? Who was 2nd string?

Anna Kang Weyant said...

Ha! You're right - there was no real "2nd" string so I guess I was stringy.

annaproulx said...

So cute, what an adorable family. Love the hair and can't wait to meet her.

JinaSaisQuoi said...

Aaahhh!!! Love her smile. She's so perfect. And that HAIR. I wish I had paintbrushes that were as full.

Girls (of all ages) rock! I can't wait until we're hanging out again.